Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment (“RCEA”) Hearing


PILC represents the Consumer Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) (“CAC Manitoba”) in the ongoing regional cumulative effects assessment (“RCEA”) hearing before the Clean Environment Commission (“CEC”). On 14 September 2017, PILC on behalf of CAC Manitoba and in collaboration with the University of Winnipeg Department of Geography, coordinated a presentation by Drs Jill Blakley and Ayodele Olagunju to the CEC. Drs Blakley and Olagunju who are experts in RCEA provided a critical assessment of the RCEA for hydroelectric developments on the Churchill, Burntwood and Nelson River Systems.

The overall conclusion of the experts was that the Manitoba Hydro RCEA falls short of good practice cumulative effects assessment. Their recommendations included: (1) that a prospective analysis be conducted, particularly relating to the potential cumulative effects that would be accumulated with the addition of the Keeyask and Conawapa generation projects; (2) that the Bipole III transmission line be included as part of the Region of interest; (3) that there be independent scientific review of the thresholds in the RCEA; and (4) that stakeholder engagement in the RCEA, including a full public hearing on the RCEA as was originally planned.