
Category Archives: Top Stories

PILC releases Report on Access to Justice

The Public Interest Law Centre, in partnership with the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, has released a report on access to justice in Manitoba. Justice Starts Here: A One-Stop Shop …

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Justice & Human Rights Committee Report on Legal Aid

Ottawa, October 30, 2017 – NEWS RELEASE – ACCESS TO JUSTICE – PART 2: LEGAL AID Today, the Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights tabled its report, Access to …

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Balancing Rights and Medical Assistance in Dying

In 2016, the Public Interest Law Centre in partnership with Taylor McCaffrey LLP represented three Manitoba patients who were applying to the courts for permission to receive medical assistance in …

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Lukacs – Supreme Court of Canada

On 4 October 2017, PILC lawyers Byron Williams and Joëlle Pastora Sala appeared before the Supreme Court of Canada (“SCC”), along with pro bono counsel Alyssa Mariani of Thompson Dorfman …

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Regional Cumulative Effects Assessment (“RCEA”) Hearing

PILC represents the Consumer Association of Canada (Manitoba Branch) (“CAC Manitoba”) in the ongoing regional cumulative effects assessment (“RCEA”) hearing before the Clean Environment Commission (“CEC”). On 14 September 2017, …

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Public Interest Law Centre Celebrates 35 Years

Join us to celebrate PILC achievements in enhancing access to justice in partnership with community groups, Indigenous people, students, academics and the legal community.  We will also ask for your …

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Interim Hydro Rate Application Reduced by $50 Million

manitoba hydro wires on hydro tower against a blue sky. Single tower in view.

Manitoba’s Public Utility Board (PUB) said no to rate shock on July 31, 2017. While Manitoba Hydro sought a 7.9% interim rate increase worth approximately $88 Million, the PUB lowered …

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Families Fight Gap in Service for Adult Persons with Severe Physical Disabilities

woman in wheelchair boarding Winnipeg bus via handi-transit ramp

On March 21, 2017 more than 60 individuals and families met to address issues and solutions relating to those affected by the gap in services for adults with severe physical …

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Bringing the Charter to our Most Important Social Services Tribunal

court building

Should the Charter of Rights and Freedoms play a role in decisions relating to income assistance benefits made by the Social Services Appeal Board? On May 5, 2017, legal counsel …

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Child Protection Hearing Delays Unacceptable


The Manitoba Court of Appeal has held that a 13 month delay in a child protection hearing violated parental rights to a fair and prompt hearing and that any delay …

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