
Author Archives: Vina Sarmiento

Manitoba Court of Appeal Rules that Manitobans with disabilities in receipt of EIA cannot be forced to apply early for their CPP

A win for Manitobans with disabilities – On 5 May 2020, the Court of Appeal held that the appellant, Mr Stadler (a 65 year old man with disabilities in receipt …

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PILC’s Efforts to End All Forms of Violence Against Indigenous Women and Girls

Since 2014, the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) has been collaborating with the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) in their actions to address the crisis of Missing and Murdered Indigenous …

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Vulnerable Persons Act Think Tank

On March 20, 2019, Community Living Manitoba and the Public Interest Law Centre hosted a Think Tank to discuss recommendations for strengthening protections under the /Vulnerable Persons Living with a …

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CRTC Wireless Review

The Public Interest Law Centre is representing three Manitoba organizations in a review by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) of Canada’s mobile wireless framework. Winnipeg Harvest, the Aboriginal …

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Public Interest Centre Advisory Committee

On December 2018, Legal Aid Manitoba created a Public Interest Law Centre Advisory Committee which is tasked with meeting regularly to provide advice on matters of public interest. We are …

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Fighting for access to supports and services for First Nations children with disabilities

PILC represents a First Nations mother and her child who lives with disabilities in their human rights complaint at the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal and the Manitoba Human Rights Commission. …

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Chapter by PILC Lawyers, Allison and Joëlle, Published in Book – “Public Interest Litigation in Canada” (2019)

    PILC lawyers, Allison Fenske and Joëlle Pastora Sala , have a published chapter entitled “The Wheels of Justice: Reflections from the Public Interest Law Centre of Legal Aid …

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Local Human Rights Campaign Wins National Awards

  Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada (March 6, 2019) –– Yesterday, UpHouse, a local brand and marketing agency, won two national advertisement awards for a campaign which raises awareness for the plight …

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PILC Lawyers Participate in the Laskin Moot

On 1 March 2019, PILC lawyers, Katrine Dilay and Joëlle Pastora Sala, participated as judges in the Laskin Moot which was held in Winnipeg (MB). Other Laskin Moot judges included …

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PILC receives Manitoba Human Rights Award

  On December 10 2018, the Public Interest Law Centre (PILC) was awarded the 2018 Aaron Berg Award at the annual Manitoba Human Rights Awards. The award is given to …

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